Posts Tagged ‘ mainstream culture ’

Absolut Lakra and the alternative culture in a consumers world

Lacra: 1.- Annoying person. Parasite. Disastrous. 2.- A person who inflicts damage to society. 3.- Has no trade and creates no benefit.

Jerónimo López Ramírez (alias Dr. Lakra) is an illustrator, tattoo and plastic contemporary artists. His work came to me when I acquired the book Dos Amigos (Two Friends) by Abraham Cruzvillegas and Dr. Lakra that was published by MACO (Oaxaca Contemporary Museum of Art) in 2005. The book is a reference to the exposition both artists has in that museum. I have seen the work of many m ore contemporary artists in the world like Zhang Huan, Doug Aitken, Greyson Perry, Christian Schumann and the well known Basquiat, to name a few. Much of the so called contemporary art gives me the sensation of returning to something, like going back to past experiences, a turning point to reliving certain sensations. They could be from early childhood, personal life, the house you lived in, that is, of all those intimate memories located in apparently little and insignificant things that endure or simply, a feeling that is brought to the present with a new meaning. At this point it is important to say that I recognize in Dr. Lakra a certain mexican background that I recognize as an important cultural identification feeling.

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Culture is an Ideology (part 2)

In the first delivery on this subject we went through the origins of the concept of ideology as well as some of it’s representative forms. This time we will look at the function it has today and it’s relationship with modern culture. We should, however, be reminded of three fundamental ideas:

    1. That ideology in it’s general conception, in conformed by a group of elements that allows people to create a personal idea of reality.This elements may be cultural, political, religious and even formative and all together make up for a global view that many believe it may be expressed as the mainstream culture.
    2. Ideology is also, and at the same time, a possibility to understand and represent reality in a different way and, by doing so, it may construct critical or alternative views of the mainstream culture. This perspective of the concept was very much present in the XX Century through left and right wing views of society that where not always in the same line with the predominant ideas of the western capitalist system. It is common to view alternative ideologies as opposed to the prevailing system and also, as elements of confrontation.
    3. That todays society takes on a pragmatic culture that encourages values of plurality, liberty and tolerance. Pragmatism should be considered in itself as a point of view of reality, as a worldview that contributes to a very specific reality. Continue reading