Posts Tagged ‘ Contemporary culture ’

Lachapelle: a sign of contemporary fashion

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Publicity and art are, at first glance, non related topics. While the first is considered a commercial and frivolous related activity, in relation to art, the latter is something we see as a meaningful, serious and even transcendental expression of man, but lately less comprehended. Publicity and marketing have taken advantage of art in many occasions. Most of the times as a means to embellish or stand out a certain quality or style of a product, like with the use of classical music in car, alcoholic beverages or exclusive product TV adds.

Art was more related to publicity in the early 20th century than it is now, maybe because late 20th and 21st century art seams more distant from the common man and todays society. While art seams more abstract and conceptual, society seams more pragmatic and direct.

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