Joseph Kanarek

JLK2014b2I am a social psychologist from the Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana-Xochimilco in Mexico and did a masters degree in the Universidad Iberoamericana on Research and Teaching. Also did a special course in Psychoanalysis, gave classes and formed part of the editorial team of the Psychology Department Magazine.

I began in the marketing research field in 1987 doing main research for political, social and institutions in Mexico but moved to a more commercial market research in 1994. I have worked with some of the most important research agencies in Mexico and collaborated with some firms from the US, Brazil, Argentina, Colombia and Central America.

My experience is broad in brands and product types but some important core experience may be seen in areas of financial, pharmaceutical, consumer, construction and fashion. This allows me an interesting view of the way companies develop strategies and have an important influence in todays social dynamics and the way us people incorporate habits, values and life styles every day.

Beside this, I have special interest in Gamification, a new professional activity that involves the use of game principles in every day life oriented to change habits, create participation and/or modify conducts for different goals (social, commercial, health, etc.) I took an online course on Gamification and I’m also working in the field of Online market research.

I love music, art and movies and I see this expressions as part of a sensitive world that helps understand the world we live in.

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