Archive for the ‘ Internet ’ Category

Blogging to be heard

One of the most interesting phenomena regarding the social web is the measurement of the impact of the info send down the Internet, call them posts, twits or what ever. Each network or system has it’s own means to measure the number of visits, readers, followers or fans one has over the Internet. All though it may seem surprising, there is no precise and reliable data about the number of blogs existing are around the world, and even less, by country. There are two main reasons for this. The first is the increasingly fast growth that complicates the follow up of new blogs, millions of blogs are created every day. The other reason is that there in no one who has access to the complete  information. Companies that host blogs like Google, WordPress, independent servers and so on, do not always share their information. In 2010 it was said that the number of blogs would be in the neighborhood of 450 million english blogs, but today, only WordPress report a growth of 100 thousand blogs a day.

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