Posts Tagged ‘ Adidas ’

Converse: between urban ID and contemporary art

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Publicity análisis related to cultural signs and expressions is not something new to us in this space. It is a highly interesting theme because it seems to be a frequent strategy of brand managers and publicists to empower their brands and products with the use of some cultural symbols that may provide value and identity elements for their customers. This revisions we do of such cases have no intention to question the strategy and communication work of the brands we analyse, but to reveal from the cultural analysis point of view, the elements that are at interplay, the way this has been done (consciously or not) and the success we can observe in the process. So, this time we will see the Converse case… sport shoe or casual footwear with an attitude… more urban and present day oriented… a brand that seems to occasionally search for a romance with contemporary art.

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Culture is an Ideology (part 2)

In the first delivery on this subject we went through the origins of the concept of ideology as well as some of it’s representative forms. This time we will look at the function it has today and it’s relationship with modern culture. We should, however, be reminded of three fundamental ideas:

    1. That ideology in it’s general conception, in conformed by a group of elements that allows people to create a personal idea of reality.This elements may be cultural, political, religious and even formative and all together make up for a global view that many believe it may be expressed as the mainstream culture.
    2. Ideology is also, and at the same time, a possibility to understand and represent reality in a different way and, by doing so, it may construct critical or alternative views of the mainstream culture. This perspective of the concept was very much present in the XX Century through left and right wing views of society that where not always in the same line with the predominant ideas of the western capitalist system. It is common to view alternative ideologies as opposed to the prevailing system and also, as elements of confrontation.
    3. That todays society takes on a pragmatic culture that encourages values of plurality, liberty and tolerance. Pragmatism should be considered in itself as a point of view of reality, as a worldview that contributes to a very specific reality. Continue reading