Posts Tagged ‘ Dr. Lakra ’

Converse: between urban ID and contemporary art

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Publicity análisis related to cultural signs and expressions is not something new to us in this space. It is a highly interesting theme because it seems to be a frequent strategy of brand managers and publicists to empower their brands and products with the use of some cultural symbols that may provide value and identity elements for their customers. This revisions we do of such cases have no intention to question the strategy and communication work of the brands we analyse, but to reveal from the cultural analysis point of view, the elements that are at interplay, the way this has been done (consciously or not) and the success we can observe in the process. So, this time we will see the Converse case… sport shoe or casual footwear with an attitude… more urban and present day oriented… a brand that seems to occasionally search for a romance with contemporary art.

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Dragons House: Tequila, contemporary art and marketing

Black Kites

In older posts we have presented different moments that show the interesting relation between contemporary art and comecial brands. The works of Karl Lagerfeld with Coca-Cola, David LaChapelle with Cerveza XX, Swatch and other brands, and even more recently, that of Dr. Lakra doing work for Casa Cuervo (a mexican tequila brand) and Vodka Absolut, are all very representative examples of the intrest the comercial world has shown for contemporary art as way to bring an additional impulse to their brand image in a more extreme or contemporary orientation. But who is receives more benefit from this relation, the artist that through the comercial brand has access to a more general public and maybe even less inclined to contemporary art? Or the brand that through art looks for the construction of a more edgy, modern and, even more “cultivated” public?

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Absolut Lakra and the alternative culture in a consumers world

Lacra: 1.- Annoying person. Parasite. Disastrous. 2.- A person who inflicts damage to society. 3.- Has no trade and creates no benefit.

Jerónimo López Ramírez (alias Dr. Lakra) is an illustrator, tattoo and plastic contemporary artists. His work came to me when I acquired the book Dos Amigos (Two Friends) by Abraham Cruzvillegas and Dr. Lakra that was published by MACO (Oaxaca Contemporary Museum of Art) in 2005. The book is a reference to the exposition both artists has in that museum. I have seen the work of many m ore contemporary artists in the world like Zhang Huan, Doug Aitken, Greyson Perry, Christian Schumann and the well known Basquiat, to name a few. Much of the so called contemporary art gives me the sensation of returning to something, like going back to past experiences, a turning point to reliving certain sensations. They could be from early childhood, personal life, the house you lived in, that is, of all those intimate memories located in apparently little and insignificant things that endure or simply, a feeling that is brought to the present with a new meaning. At this point it is important to say that I recognize in Dr. Lakra a certain mexican background that I recognize as an important cultural identification feeling.

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